
The Virgo New Moon of August 28th moves in with subtle grace. Just as her namesake, the virgin, this lunation comes with promises of fertility and flow. The earth signs have ‘it’ now. With Jupiter luxuriating in the folds of calm Taurus, and Pluto in dynamic Capricorn, this New Moon initiates the flow of a grand earth trine which can calm even the most edgy soul. The secret is – just let it be.

Anyone who really knows a Virgo is acquainted with their unique nature. Virgo’s are known for their discernment; this manifests in eating habits, the way they dress, and even their thoughts. Virgo’s are often a bit nervous, and suffer sensitive digestion. Remember, Virgo is ruled by the planet of constant motion, Mercury.

The Virgo lunation is our time to use the gifts of Mercury and analyze where you stand, and lay a claim to where you want to go. Virgo’s constant analysis can de-evolve into paralyzing perfectionism if you let it. The secret here is to claim the support of Jupiter and the unerring instincts of Pluto. Transform tension into determination. Even Venus is in Virgo now.

Virgo the virgin is not chaste; rather she is beholden to only her own dreams. Huna, the teaching of the Hawaiian shamanic tradition teaches that a human is a complex arrangement of 3 core parts; the High Self, the Middle Self, and the Lower, or Child Self. When the 3 core Selves are in peaceful communication and agreement, the human lives in a state of empowerment and peace.

This season of Virgo is a time for us all to communicate with all of our core Selves, and manifest heaven on earth. You must be willing to speak your truth. And most importantly, you must also be able to listen.

Good News 2012

Uranus energy moves like a lightening storm over water, stirring up chaos but also change!

Today is a perfect day and let it serve as a reminder that Light is illuminated by it’s opposite – darkness. This is a week of astrological extremes. On Tuesday, unruly Uranus and angry Mars face off; this brings about an easy excuse for out of control behavior. And, on Wednesday, Mars moves into a direct face-off, or opposition to Pluto. This is a test of will and strength (Mars) through confrontation to the powers that be (Pluto.)

Mars is a tribal warrior, and he is best served by establishing a dynamic, goal oriented mission

You will see and feel this energy everywhere; in the news, and perhaps in your personal lives. The astrology of this week sets up a perfect excuse for road rage. Instead, use this dynamic energy to fuel your commitment to personal growth and maintaining a positive vibration.

It IS true – it’s all about YOU, and how you hold your energy. Remember, it’s becoming about US – and claiming our right to joy and self determination. We are becoming free, but must first confront and clear a heritage of ancestral bondage. Mars, Pluto, and Uranus seem to bring chaos, but they are serving us well.

Activate your Mars this week, and order him to serve you in a positive and fulfilling direction. Listen to the high calling or Uranus – he is saying that you can be free. The darkest hour is before the dawn – and you can choose to turn on your brightest Light.

For more positive news- visit: www.MayaWhite.com 

Easy Astrology Oracle Card - Mercury will be retrograde August 2 - 26

Coming soon to your neighborhood – Mercury, the trickster planet begins its apparent backward motion. This happens usually 3 times per year, and lasts about 3 weeks each time. The fun begins on Tuesday, August 2nd, and lasts until Friday the 26th.

As the only mythological character able to visit the underworld and return, Mercury is a singular guide. He/she is gender neutral, and also functions as a coyote trickster. Generally speaking , Mercury has no conscience! He delivers the message but does not judge.

This time around, Mercury stands still (or stations) in the 1st degree of Virgo, and retrogrades back into Leo. Here are ways this Mercury retrograde may affect you:

Aries/Libra sun or rising: You will be asked to tend to unfinished business regardng your children or your professional associates. Plans made last April require adjustment or may even be delayed. Trust that there is a good reason for this. You must make good on a promise made in your past. You’re not going to get off the hook, so, might as well just take the bait and enjoy it.

Taurus/Scorpio sun or rising: This is a valuable time period, use it wisely. You are quietly gathering provisions for a long journey into your future. Examine every part of your life for vulnerabilities, be they financial, personal, or professional. Plug any gaps in security; by careful attention to creating a smooth finish, you move ahead freely without unnecessary snags.

Gemini/Sagittarius sun or rising: Work to quell your inner anxiety. The mind races, and so does the pace of your life. You are beset with errands an relieve tension through mindless conversation.  Some of you will buckle down and finish that book or screenplay that has been percolating for so long; others will succumb to the tension. Adding to the mix is that feeling that everybody is watching; they are!

Cancer/Capricorn sun or rising: Security, money, and finances require extra attention. It’s best to consult professionals regarding inheritances or tax related issues. Money is just green energy – honor it, and give it a proper place in your life. This is an excellent time to work on your subconscious patterns around prosperity. Repeat: ‘I am a money magnet and I deserve all good things to come my way!’

Leo/Aquarius sun or rising: A chance encounter opens the door to your future. Use this time to get into tip top shape, and then show the world just how good you are. Just when you feel like staying home – that is the time to push the envelope and open doors. The sun is in Leo, remember; and Venus, too. Get out, circulate, meet and greet – even when you’d rather stay incognito.

Virgo/Pisecs sun or rising: Unlike Leo or Aquarius – you DO need the rest. Heal thyself. Renew and revive your inner sanctum. There is a dear part of you that has been lost in day to day demands; this is your time to reviatlize your core energetic essence. Good food, herbs, soft music and good times with friends are your healing prescripton. And, oh yeah, a bit of wine works fine.

The Sky is Falling

Rupert Murdoch’s natal chart does not necessarily keynote his power or his fame; but it does clearly illustrate his fall and notoriety. Murdoch is now in the throes of a perfect storm which is a swirling combination of planetary aspects and life decisions dictated by his own conscience.

Astro*Oracle Neptune is the planet of secrets

Remember the Full Moon lunar eclipse of June 14th? One need only look at the placement of Murdoch’s  natal moon – 24 Sagittarius, the exact degree of June’s eclipse. Arguably, this alone  is not a prescription for a downfall. Donald Trump, with his sun and north node at 24 Gemini and moon and south node at  20 Sagittarius was equally impacted by this eclipse. Mr. Trump may be guilty of financial manipulation and even subject to discipline from the hair police  – but he’s a survivor. Murdoch is going down.

The planet Neptune reveals our longings. In his natal chart, Murdoch has Neptune placed in the 9th house of publishing. Neptune also unveils our secrets; and unfortunately, the secrets of his publishing dynasty have been breached. Remember, we always have free will choice. As his progressed Mars squares his natal moon, the inner sanctum of information gathering has been compromised.

Astro*Oracle Pluto, ruler of Scorpio lives in his ice cave with his black heart

Next – he is subject to the bummer of his progressed moon. In June, Murdoch’s progressed moon entered the critical 29th degree of Scorpio. The 29th degree of any sign is when and where the final lessons of the sign will be revealed. Although Saturn and Capricorn have connotations with the grim reaper, Scorpio is the sign that buries the dead. Whistleblower Sean Hoare sacrificed his life to reveal the truth; surely there is a special place in the afterworld for heroes.

And, of course, saving the best for last – Murdoch’s ascendant in early Capricorn has been subject to a visit by Pluto. Regardless of recent pop anti -astrology misinformation, astrologers know two things for sure: 1) there are still only 12 sun signs and, 2) Pluto still functions as a planet. Pluto transits bring about great transformations;  if you don’t die, sometimes you wish you had, and other times,  you just have to pay your dues.

The bottom line is, we reap what we sow. Surely the suspicious death of Sean Hoare steepens the climb to redemption. What the public needs now is a final act of journalistic heroism.  Murdoch was powerful enough to build a dynasty of influence and wealth. Is he strong enough to tell the truth?

*Birth data: March 11, 1931, 11:52 PM, Melbourne, Australia (Astro Data Bank)

R_Murdoch_Landscape Euro 2       (see natal chart here)

Cancer is a prime, action taking water sign

Today is a day of water; drink it and surrender to the embrace of your emotional body. With both the sun and Venus in the strategic water sign of Cancer, this is a prime day to connect with your emotions. Venus in Cancer is naturally sensuous. This Venus  lounges by the pool with a peach daiquiri and an army of minions; she longs for admiration, yet she has so much to give. She relaxes, and settles into her emotional body.

Pisces is a mutable, adjustable water sign

The moon traveling through soft, mutable Pisces lifts the veils of our every day perceptions and opens a doorway to the world of vibration. Ahhh, it’s the perfect day to spend at the beach, feeling the wind and listening to the rolling waves. Engage your senses today; the subtle world has much to share with you.

Listen to the birds, read the signs in nature, and most of all – connect with feelings. There are many messages about today, but you must relax into the space between the worlds. Your questions will be answered, but first you must ask.

Anyone can learn the basics of astrology quickly and easily!

How does some obscure manifestation millions of miles away have an effect on our lives here on earth? Perhaps it all goes back to the ‘big bang’ – that  moment of expansion that must have inevitably followed a dynamic coalescence. The term ‘dynamic’ is key, as we unquestionably live in an ever-changing world.

Astro*Ecology, or living in accordance with astrology, is one way to make your life a symbolic expression of the natural world.  Just as you would want to know that the approach of summer  brings a corresponding dry spell to the landscape, you will only benefit by advance knowledge of your personal astrological profile.

This is Astro*Ecology, and you can also apply it to your daily life. Each day of the week has a corresponding planet. Plants, animals, nations, and even cities all have relative astrologcial coordinates.Knowledge of the intimate, inner workings of your environment benefits you by developing a resonance that grants a corresponding ease of life.  It’s similar to knowing the CEO of the company you want to contact for business; you gain entry more quickly, and get what you want.

Learning about astrology in general, and then identifying specifics such as those listed will facilitate your experience of flow in the river of life. The bottom line – astrology provides a nomenclature for this mysterious and symbolic world in which we live. Here is a list of basic correspondences:

Monday = Moon   /   Tuesday = Mars   /  Wednesday = Mercury
Thursday = Jupiter   / Friday = Venus  / Saturday = Saturn  / Sunday = Sun

Sun = Calendula, St. Johns wort, dragons blood  /  Moon = Cucumber, pears, kudzu
Mercury = Lavendar, dill, mulberry  /  Venus = Ladymantle, yarrow, rose
Mars = Thistle, garlic, pine  /  Jupiter = Fig, guava, maple
Saturn = Arnica, horsetail, olive and oak   /  Uranus = Coffee, pokeweed, belladonna
Neptune = Kelp, fishes, morning glory   /  Pluto = Birch, narcissus, myrrh

For Personalized and Professional consultations, visit Astrologer Maya White.
“You Deserve the Best”

Learn astrology quickly and easily with my Easy Astrology Oracle Cards and Guidebook – Unlock Your Inner Guide.

Easy Astrology Oracle Card - The Sun

Today we celebrate Summer Solstice. The word ‘solstice’ actually means ‘sun + standing still’. Solstice is  the day when our earth reaches its point of maximum tilt towards, or, away from  the sun, (depending on which hemishpere you live in). When this happens, the daily north/south progression of the sun appears to stand still for a few days before it changes and resumes its north/south journey.  

Regardless of where you live, today is a special day that marks a change of seasons on earth. As we move towards life in accordance with nature and our environment, the Solstice marks a time for evaluation of where you stand. Since ancient times, Midsummers’ eve is celebrated as a day that honors the defeat of darkness by the vitality of the Sun. It is also a time to partake of  fertility and enjoy the ease of  life.

Do something special today in celebration of the Solstice! Take a risk and defeat your own dark places; even if it’s only one small step at a time. Illuminate pockets of inner joy, and the Sun will light the way to your success. And, most importantly – take time to embrace the richness of who you are and what you have.

If you look closely at the Easy Astrology Oracle Card  for the Sun, you will see that  housed within this image are a multitude of faces; the 108 faces of God. This card represents all of humanity and our drive for self expression and actualization; our illumination. The faces all look to the center, a place of genesis. Just like rays of the sun, each human is a unique expresson of a common source. We may have different cultures and religions, but, we are all ONE.

Wishing you the freedom and blessings of many warm and joyous days.

Happy Solstice!


She encourages us all to follow our own rainbows

Did Oprah Winfrey use astrolgy to schedule the last day of her successful 25 year show? I have been told (by those who profess to know) that Oprah does not ‘believe in’ astrology. Whether or not she would choose to add the wisdom of the ages to her fountain of belief – she chose the perfect day to end her show, yet insure that she and her legacy lives on.

Wednesday, May 25th offered up a delectable array of astrological transits for a graceful exit. The Sun in Gemini is a perfect fit for talk shows and hosts as well as dual projects; plus, she has already transitioned into phase II of her projects. And, the Moon in Pisces is the perfect sign for endings of all kinds. As the last sign of the natural zodiac, Pisecs signals completion and closure. Pisces is also an emotional water sign, and her farewell messages were both sincere and heartfelt.  

The Pisces moon was further enhanced by being in the waning phase of the lunation cycle; the last quarter moon signals a time of  ‘Crisis in Consciousness.’ So, this Pisces moon that lies within the auspices of the third quarter phase of the moon perfectly aligns with the energy of leaving, but doing so with a transmission of wisdom; Oprah has left us with much to think about.

In astrology, the Moon unveils our emotional or unconscious motivations, but it is the Sun sign that lights the way. And, again,

A New Day

Oprah intuited  impeccable timing. On May 25th the Gemini Sun  formed a favorable trine aspect to her natal Venus and Sun in Aquarius. This all bodes well in her natal chart and reveals that one ending is truly the opportunity for a grand opening of another door. And, astrology reveals that the new room which she enters holds delights of creativity, and best of all – freedom.

Did Oprah use the services of an astrologer to determine the best day to end her show? Probably not – but had she done so, the day that she and her fates  landed upon was the perfect fit. Bravo to a great soul.

You can consciously live your life in accordance with the lunar cycles. Today brings us to the time of New Moon. And, just as the moon changes shape and size in the sky, each month we can tune into the cosmic reset button and start over. The New Moon for today is in the fixed earth sign of Taurus.

Taurus is about manifestation and substance. Depending on your Sun or rising sign, you can use this information to assist you in the following ways:

Taurus or Scorpio /Sun or Rising: This month is up close and personal. Use this New Moon to set an intention for your physical well being. You need to feel good in order to look good. As you increase your stamina and vitality, other people will respond in kind.

Gemini or Sagittarius / Sun or Rising: This month is your time of depth. Some situations will be coming to an end, as others step in to replace what is worn out. You must examine your motives and take time for reflection. The question is: what is the price you must pay, and are you willing to do so?

Cancer or Capricorn/ Sun or Rising: Make this a time of social interaction and connection. Meet and greet; get out as much as possible. You are looking for your ‘birds of a feather’; and it is your mission to find them. This is an excellent month for workshops and classes. If you want to be a writer – the time is NOW.

Leo or Aquarius / Sun or Rising: Take heart! If you find that your heart is hiding beneath layers of obligation and responsiblity, now is your time to initiate some new ground rules. This is you month to lay the new foundation for your future. Some of you will move, sothers will re-arange the furniture, and some of you will change your lives.

Virgo or Pisces / Sun or Rising: New information is what this month is all about. Some arrives through your own efforts, other news lands on your doorstep unannounced. Your mission is to gather it, and evaluate the impact it has on your life.

Libra or Aries / Sun or Rising: You can make significant financial gains this month. It’s time to DO the things you have been thinking about for so long. May presents significant good fortune, so, use this month to go with the flow, and get busy. Money is a good thing, and it can make your life better!

The Moon Unlocks Many Mysteries

The moon in Pisces today  is serving you a delicious feast of inner healing.  Some will seek their visions through intoxicaton, others through communion; wherever you search takes you, know that the veil between the world is gossamer thin tonight, and the world of Spirit awaits your call.

 The moon changes signs every 2 1/2 days, and throughout one month, will spend time in each sign of the zodiac. As the Moon processes through each sign, the powerful lunar vibrations influence all life on earth. You need only look at the ocean tides to remember just how powerful the Moon is on our natural tendencies.

Today the Moon lingers in the soft watery sign of Pisces. Softness can be kind, but it can also nurture negativity through lack of definition. Noted as one of the more psychic signs, the Pisces moon is a time when your intuituion is heightened. So, this is a perfect day to dig deeply into your vibratory well and figure some things out.

We always have a choice between darkness and light. The dark path of Pisces will lead you to vestiges of the past – traces of ghostly remnants which no longer serve you. The Piscean path of Light opens the door to your highest vision and spiritual connecton.

The mystical realm of Spirit and all of its agents of guidance are eagerly awaiting your call. Use the soft energy of this fine day to meet with your Spirit Guides. Fairies and angels; teachers and talking animals – they are calling you NOW!